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  • Registrant : 西宮市
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/09/15
  • Published : 2023/09/15
  • Changed :2023/09/15
  • Total View : 710 persons
2023/10/7 - 2024/3/30 / 兵庫県 西宮市 / Beauty / Health

Breathing in and out, Mellow Yoga ( Project to promote the utilization of community centers in the second half of 2023 )

Please wear comfortable clothes.

1 Relaxing and Unwinding Day
Move slowly in time with your breathing.
Enjoy the feeling of relaxing your body and mind.

2 Move and Relax Day
After relaxing with the breath, let's do the sun salutation.
First timers are welcome to join us.

3 Gentle Yin Yoga Day
Relax with no strain and compound breathing.
No need to be stiff, it will lead to deep healing and activation of internal organs.

Address 兵庫県 西宮市
Date 2023/10/7 - 2024/3/30
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